Thursday, September 17, 2009

Let's start writing!!!!

Well, today is Friday, September 18th, and we're at the end of our third week of school. Today, two important pieces are to be turned in at the end of class:

  • Rubric Re-write - This activity is based on the two rubrics that is used to grade your Literature Review and your Oral Presentation.

  • Outline for your Literature Review which must incorporate your Foundation Questions, your notes, any quotes, and your sources.

Once the outline is completed - you are ready to start writing your paper! Make sure to get a "Self-Editing" handout and a copy of the book, "Writers, Inc."

Remember, the Literature Review is not about you, your feelings and opinions - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE RESEARCH, AND WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS ABOUT THE TOPIC.

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